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Here is how to get involved with our campaigns! Before we get started we would like to make a couple things clear: 


1. We are not just looking for one kind of art. We need art for the 8 campaigns we have created so you can contribute to any of the campaigns you desire.   Art forms can include: dance, music, performing, cinema, sculptures, paintings/drawings, and architecture creations. 


2. Before sending in art all participants need to fill out the "Artist Sign Up" form. 


3. When participating in Artists for Issues, you do not lose the rights to the art that you contributed and may still do whatever you desire with the art. By sending in the art, you are giving us the rights to post the art and only posting the art. 


4. Please only send in digital copies of art. Do not try to send physical art! 


5. When participating in multiple campaigns, you must make art for each of the campaigns you are signing up for. You may not send one piece of art for all campaigns. But you may send  in all the same art styles across campaigns (i.e. all drawings etc.). 


6. Please keep all art appropriate for all audience types.  Art will be screened before it is shared across campaigns.    


If you have any further questions, please contact us to answer them for you! Thank you! 



If you are looking into sending a dance, here is how you do that!


Step 1: Pick a song that goes with the campaign you are wanting to make.   For example: for the campaign, Rhyme it for Climate my friends and I want to make a dance about young activists." I would use a song that reflects our message. 


Step 2: Please make sure you own the rights to the choreography that you are using. If you do not own the rights, please make sure when you are sending out an Email regarding your dance to be honest and let us know who the original choreographer is as well as the name of the song you have used. Everyone will be credited and tagged in the posts.  


Step 3: Film a video of the dance and send it to our email.

If you are looking into sending a short film/cinema piece, here is how you do that!


Step 1: Create a plot or story about the topic of the campaign(s) of your choice. Please make sure it is at least 30 seconds; the maximum is 10 minutes, no longer than that. 


Step 2: If copy-righted music is in the video, make sure to  credit the artist and the title of the song! If you have other people in the film or helping you too, please credit them.


Step 3: Send us your edited and produced video with the title and a 50 words or less description about your film.

If you are looking into sending a music, here is how you do that!


Step 1: Write or pick a song/piece of music, you would like to share for the campaign(s) you picked.


We would prefer it if you all wrote music and sent in but we know that not everyone is capable of writing and producing music. So, covers are good too!  


Step 2: Send us a video of you singing or playing a song or piece of music with the title or the artist and song name.

If you are looking into sending any other art, here is how you do that!


Step 1: Create art of any topics in the category(s) of the campaign(s) you picked.  


Step 2: Check for any copy-righted content and please be sure to let us know when sending so we can credit the original creator as well as you! 


Step 3: When you are done with your art please send a digital copy of your art to our email. When sending in, please state why you created your art. At the bottom of this page we have an art email template you can use for sending in your art. Feel free to fill it out and edit it to be you!


Email Template

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